In search of the truth’ sailing through unsafe thoughts in search of the knowledge that since the beginning of times it seems to vanish once reached it. A precious album for both listeners and musicians. A must have album which offers a balanced way to express the depth concept of RPI through memorable true progressive passages and questions that accompany the man in his evolution path. This is what a ‘reborn’ band which has its roots in 1996 try to interpret trough its music, telling it to us through ‘Logos’ word comes from Greek which means to tell; from Latin it means speech intended as the original meaning of the word. After a rough existence made by many line changing in the band, dreams and goals (which had anyway brought them to the self-production of their two previous albums) the project is carried on by the tenacity of the original member Luca Zerman which has maintained alive Logos and Fabio Gasparri, joined later by Claudio Antolini and Massimo Maoli. From 2006 to 2012 their musical experience started to take shape and substance, despite two self-production actually not bad. ‘L’Enigma Della Vita’ so comes from the mature side of the band. It represents a passepartout for a different level of Prog. The care for musical details here is conscious and mature and the good ideas comes in succession thanks also to Claudio Antolini (piano, keyboards, synth) and Massimo Maoli (guitar) that have given new vital energy to the band identifying its RPI boundaries. The result is an album charged of a dramatic nature which wants to represent (naturally as artistic interpretation) the truth concealed, strength that push the man to find the knowledge.
The band seems to follow ‘Le Orme’ with which has a special connection not just musically (Logos started playing Le Orme’s covers) but for a local belonging as well, actually both come from Veneto in north Italy, despite divided from less than 70 miles. Is possible to find a lot of elements belonging to RPI tradition like the texts which treat themes depth and apparently with no answer and the use of two keyboards (BMS); the first track and the last that make a frame to all the album. Maybe is possible to find a pinch of autobiography in the song ‘Venivo Da Un Lungo Sonno’ (Coming From A Long Sleep). It could be considered as a metaphor of the band’s waiting before to give to us this album.
A lot of good Prog moments articulated through mellotron and synth, Crimsonian atmospheres and excellent piano parts characterize the entire album, giving to the listeners an experience of sound essentially intimate and passionate. Guitars and keyboards that chase each other manifesting the musician’s experience. Their sound sometimes seems to be almost spacey due to some Gilmourian guitar part (as the solo in ‘Venivo Da Un Lungo Sonno’); sometimes dark and gloomy. One of the best song is with no doubts ‘N.A.S’, the more prog you can find in an album of the genre, close to King Crimson but anyway imbued with Italian Prog tradition.
Their ability to create their own ‘new’ sound it’s easy to recognise in the title track ‘L’enigma Della Vita with very interesting prog passages. Another emblematic song for the band’s sound (and the one that let me love this album!!) is ‘In Principio’ (In The Beginning) a short interpretation of the genesis. A spacey/dreamy intro start a beautiful acoustic guitar, but it’s just the beginning because the piece changes identity and becomes a triumph of keyboards and synth remembering some Le Orme’s atmosphere, here enriched by an electric guitar, to come back to the main theme of the song. Special!
‘Completamente Estranei’ (Completely Stranger) has some connection to ‘Genesis 1977 Era’, in my opinion with an eclectic aptitude due to the electric guitar that remember me Robert Fripp style. Other typical RPI element is included in the song ‘In Quale Luogo Si Ferm’ Il Mio Tempo (In Which Place Did My Time Stopped). A beautiful piano song which has a double role: harks back to the conclusion of the 5th song N.A.S, here in a romantic version; plays as intro for the beautiful ‘Pioggia In Campagna’ (Rain In The Countryside). Beautiful Prog moment worthy of note despite its shortness.
‘Pioggia In Campagna’ is the last ‘played’ song of the album, in my opinion very representative for the band’s sound, which includes the harmony between keyboard and guitar. Impressive!
Ends the album ‘Il Rumore Dell’aria’ (The Air Noise) which as the wind rustling through the trees creates a dark suggestive atmospheres in a never known night of a man which seems asking to himself what the future has in store for him.
An album mature and still alive in RPI tradition despite many years far from the bands that created the genre. An album full of pleasant surprises at every new listening which don’t want to emulate any Prog Giant but express an original sound belonging just to them and demand its place in the Prog sphere after a long period far from this goal. So nobody knows what is the enigma of life, or maybe yes’ Surely today we can enjoy this renewed come back!
5 Stars ‘ Well done