Enigma decimo anniversario

enigma decimo anniversario

Dieci anni fa abbiamo pubblicato il nostro terzo album “L’enigma della vita”. Per festeggiare abbiamo preparato varie cosine tra cui un bel LISTENING PARTY: Venerdì 3 Maggio ore 21.30 collegandosi al link https://bit.ly/enigma10Un’ottima occasione per […]

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Todd @ ProgArchives.com

LogoS has been around for nearly 20 years, having released two interesting self-produced albums around 2000. They have returned in full force now in 2014, releasing a new album, “L’Enigma della Vita.” The only remaining […]

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tszirmay @ ProgArchives.com

As so brilliantly expressed by my esteemed colleagues Todd and Aussie-Byrd-Brother, the Italian progressive scene has been spurting lately with fierce determination, Vesuvius and Etna exploding simultaneously with a lava flow of stunning 2013 releases […]

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