Windhawk @
Symphonic progressive rock is the name of the game on this one; no surprises there. Dampened guitarwork partially in the shape of slick riff patterns and drawn out chords and partially in the shape of […]
Windhawk @
This debut by Italian act Logos showcase a highly talented band, with the creation of intriguing, atmospheric moods placed in quirky compositions with myriads of breaks and minor as well as majord changes in style, […]
omphaloskepsis @
An unseen glacier calf’s an iceberg. Ginormous waves of subsonic whale songs expand as Logos announces a new born, infant wet whale of a masterpiece of Italian Prog. Ominous hypnotic percussion propels the new born […]
Martin Burns @
After a 13-year gap, Logos return with their frankly terrific new album, L’enigma della Vita (The Enigma of Life). The line-up includes two keyboard players, Luca Zerman and Claudio Antolini, along with Fabio Gaspari (drums, […]