Windhawk @

Symphonic progressive rock is the name of the game on this one; no surprises there. Dampened guitarwork partially in the shape of slick riff patterns and drawn out chords and partially in the shape of mellow melodic or acoustic guitar licks are used to provide nuances; a driving and distinct bass line underscores guitars as well as other instruments, the drums are hard (but not heavy) and effective. Synths, keyboards and organ dominate though, from the mostly careful dampened organ textures to majestic, floating keyboard layers as well as dark atmospheric synth and keyboard sounds placed below anything else in the mix.

Flute and trumpet – if I hear correctly – are added in a few tunes to add some more variation as well as some wee sonic surprises.

The overall sound owes quite a lot to the 70’s, and often made me think of Eloy at the time of their Silent Cries release. There’s a certain Italian bravado on this one never present in the German bands production though, quirky compositional structures and a dramatic flair to vocals in particular, and some funk-influenced segments along the way too.

The longer compositions aren’t functioning as well as they could, a few too many instances of different pieces not included as well as they might have been; but on the other hand there’s loads of really captivating moods explored; with the band arguably at their best when combining floating synths, careful organ and drawn out dark-sounding guitar chords for some real intense atmospheric parts.

The most surprising fact about this release and this act is that they aren’t to be found in the catalogues of labels like mellow or Musea though. Although not perfect it’s an intriguing and captivating creation Logos serves it’s listeners; and one that deserves to be released by a record label.

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